The Best Gluten Free Holiday Cocktails
The holidays are here and I am ready to celebrate and by celebrate I mean- This Mama wants a drink! What I don’t want though is a cocktail that will have me sick and out of comission, so I have this awesome round up of some of the best gluten free holiday cocktails.
Gluten free alcohol is harder to find then you think. Most liquors are made with wheat. There are many companies now calling their alcohols gluten free because they claim the gluten is removed during the distilling process. I am not entirely sold on this. So, stick to liquors made from corn and potato!
Gluten Free Holiday Cocktails
The Urban tastebud has a great post with a gluten free alcohol list to help you choose what brand is safe.
You are going to love this list of flavorful and fun gluten free holiday cocktails so you can celebrate without the worry! Happy Holidays Friends!
Sparkling Low Calorie Cocktail From Living Freely Gluten Free
Mile Hight Mitts Spiced Pear Sangria
Mamagourmand Sparkling Cranberry Orange Vodka Cocktail
Sparkling Margarita– From Living Freely Gluten Free
Raia’s Recipes Cranberry Coconut Daiquiri
Pomegranate Mimosa from Living Freely Gluten Free